Clean Water Update from Sokhorn

Posted by Unknown On Monday, July 18, 2011 0 comments
In this post Clean Water Project Manager Sokhorn gives his thanks to all Clean Water Project donors and outlines the activities that have taken place in our most recent Clean Water village.

Dear Clean Water Donors

On behalf of the stakeholders in the Clean Water Project in Doun Keo village, I would like to express my thanks for your help in making clean water possible and contributing to sustainable development in the village. I am pleased to update you about the Doun Keo Clean Water Project, which I have been working for more than three months with this village.

The village chief signs the partnership contract.

In Doun Keo village, there are 1140 people and 243 families. Most of villagers have their own pulley wells. Even though they have these simple wells, these wells do not last for a long time and they lack water in the dry season. Furthermore, some families were still using traditional pit wells (just big hole to the ground) which makes many obstacles for them. In rainy season the water flows from dirty ground into the hole, while in dry season they have to dig further into the ground to get more water.

A girl collects water from an old pit well. A hard and time consuming job.

In additional, some villagers feel scared to use their pulley wells because of some wells contain iron water (if they soak their clothes, they become red; if they cook rice, it becomes black; if they brush their teeth, they becomes red).
From our surveys, we can see they have been lacking of hygiene knowledge. This problem can cause number of villagers getting sick in their families.

A children's hygiene training session. Two young participants demonstrate what they have learnt.

As the solution, we provided basic hygiene training (hand washing, teeth cleaning) and filter training. In the training activities, they were very happy and they could practice as the correct steps, which we trained them. As the result, they have changed their habits and are following the training. Additionally, we drilled 10 new wells to provide backup water supplies across the whole village and we fixed 114 existing wells. Then we gave out 714 hygiene packs, and 243 filters for families after the training.

A new well being drilled.

Next, we do 10 water testing sample from wells and 10 from filters to make sure all beneficiaries use safe drinking water. Now villagers are very satisfy because they have clean water for using and safe water for drinking. Wells are located in the center of the village group, so they can share with each other if they still lacking of water in dry season or their own wells break. I am very happy and passionate to help and see the big change that our clean water team made by working their best to help beneficiaries. The whole village can change because of your generous donations - working together for sustainable development in the poor communities.

Collecting water samples for testing.

Other news- I have updated the hygiene-training process (hand washing, teeth cleaning) and I have trained my team on how to use the new flashcards. Now we have flashcards to train villagers and then we have messages at the back that can help our team members to remember in the correct steps and make the presentation more attractive for the audience.

Finally, I would like to say again thank you so much for helping the Clean Water Project. I look forward to writing to you again next time to tell you more about the project.

Best wishes


If you would like to donate to the Clean Water Project, please go to this page.


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