Therapy acne back with simple natural way

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 0 comments
Acne back problems that occur on many people. Apart  from the use of various products to the natural ingredients can also get rid of this problem.

Below are three natural ingredients and how to treat those who occur acne  back:

Aloe Vera

To take Water of Aloe Vera smear on the  back on where have acne , stored it  a momentum, after take a cloth dipped in normal water.Water of  Aloe Vera can help skin   swollen, red skin , to make skin white back and help clean acne  .

Water of Apples  or Apple juice

Apple not only taste good but it is also an important ingredient in the treatment of  acne back also contains acetic acid. smear it on where have acne it not only destroys  bacteria that occur on the back, but it can also help balance the skin's pH. Keep it  15 minutes, then wash your back with warm water.

Oil of  tea leaf 

Oil  tea is the most natural remedies effective for treating acne back. It is more powerful anti-bacterial and greater efficiency  against the diseaseUsing oil tea can  clear the acne back effectively like some acne cream, but it does not  damage skin  when used as some acne cream. Clear skin first, then drops of oil on the notch. You can use the oil tea on the skin two or three times a day.


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