Sampeov Meas islands of the Pursat capital, is the first technical Drone that fantastic in Cambodia

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 0 comments
Sampeov  Meas Island is amusement is a park province which stretches in the  Pursat River of central province .  If we  look at it from the  sky the small  island it like  a ship very much.
 Originally it was just a natural island, but a few years ago, the provincial authorities has prepared flanges Island with cement concrete wall that  made the  shape of  island looks like a ship.  People in Pursat town very popular go to exercise in there because it has good breeze and it in a center of town . Now, please visit the prettier  aspect with Dron technical  flight connected  Go Pro camera captured images of the first country.  Mr Tram Lyratanak said in the future Sampov Meas island of Pursat province what is view ?


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