Change a life this year

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, July 10, 2011 0 comments

This picture shows last year's new students, can you help us welcome 24 more this year?

This new academic year JWOC would like to support 24 new students in their ambition to attend university and improve their prospects. But...we can only do this with your help! Please consider becoming a scholarship student sponsor this year.

JWOC Scholarships change lives. And you can be a part of making that change. Read Tola’s note below to find out how he benefitted from his JWOC scholarship.

Hi, my name is Sann Tola. I am a former university scholarship student at JWOC. I had this scholarship from 2007 and graduated from the university eight months ago.

JWOC has changed my life for the better. By getting the scholarship, I was able to go to a university, and being educated in a university gave me a brighter future to look forwards to beyond waiting tables at a hotel or restaurant.

Now I have a job in an NGO, which I love very much, and I would not imagine being able to come to this point without a scholarship from JWOC. Besides, I have gotten to know some wonderful people through this place. I have made more friends at JWOC than I did at the university, my JWOC friends have become my very good and close friends.

With its charity projects which we involved in, I was given the opportunity to work with other students, and people who volunteer with us, and I enjoyed the experience very much. Moreover, I was able to contribute to the development of my own country by participating in the projects such as the clean water, and the free class project.

I say thank you to JWOC and my sponsor for the opportunity you gave me. It means a lot to me.

Sponsoring a student and changing their life costs $500 per year of their degree. This covers all their fees and books, plus all the additional life skills training offered by JWOC. With your help we hope to give 16 new scholarships in Cambodia, 4 in Myanmar and 4 in Laos.

JWOC selects students on merit and monitors students’ grades and attendance, so you can be sure your donation is put to good use. Your student will also update you monthly by email to let you know how their doing with their studies, jobs and volunteering.

If you would like to find out more about the Scholarship Programme please visit this page on our website or write to We also have a FAQs page to answer some the most common questions.

If you have decided to help JWOC change lives you can make your donation via our donate now page. You can donate online or by check, marking your donation ‘scholarship’. We ask you make a 4 year commitment to your student. If you are able to send sponsorship for the full four years that is wonderful, but don’t worry if not, you can donate for each year individually. Please make your donation before 31st August to make sure we can match you with a student for this coming academic year.

We look forward to welcoming you as a new sponsor and introducing you to your student in September!


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