Only Education Can Empower People

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, January 24, 2015 0 comments
By Khoeurn Khart

Early in the morning when I come to work, kids are playing in JWOC’s yard and running around with their friends. Some of our students talk about their homework and families while the others share stories about things that happened in their state school.  The value of education for people in our community and the surrounding areas where JWOC works is immeasurable and helps so many. JWOC provides a positive learning environment where people can share ideas, ask questions and grow. What inspires me about JWOC is our student diversity.  I have met students from big families, some that are living in migrant villages, some that are farmers, small business owners or staff at the hotels. Our diverse student body is always growing and evolving.

At JWOC, students come to learn together and develop new friendships. They feel more comfortable and are cared when they arrive to JWOC. Since JWOC classes are only one or two hours long, our students use their free time to study either in the afternoon or the evening at JWOC both on weekdays or weekends. Apart from learning English, computer and sewing skills, some parents allow their kids to play in the library, sing, and listen to story on Sundays. It is a special day that kids learn how to cut, paint, stick and create new things with fun activities.

Our students are very friendly, and when they see me, they try to communicate in English. The skills they gained at JWOC help them change their living condition, and I am happy to hear this from them. They are able to work for hotels, restaurants, guesthouses or other NGOs. I see that things around our community have changed gradually. Kids like learning and trying new things compared to my time growing up.

From the knowledge I have gained while attending university to my work at JWOC, there is no doubt that education has shaped who I am today. Education impacts so many areas of my daily life, and it is for this reason that I feel very excited about the work I do at JWOC. Through my experiences, I learn that only education can empower people.


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