Change a life, become a JWOC sponsor!

Posted by Unknown On Friday, June 13, 2014 0 comments

To all of the JWOC family

This new academic year JWOC would like to support 17 new students in their ambition to attend university and better their prospects.

But we can only do this with your help! Please consider becoming a scholarship student sponsor this year.

JWOC Scholarships change lives - not only of the students themselves but also of their families and the people they help through their volunteering. You can be a part of making that change.Read the quotes from our previous graduates below to find out how they and others have benefitted from their JWOC scholarship.

 Khoeurn - Graduated in 2013 and current Free Classes Program Manager.

"It helped me a lot with my studies, my quality of life ,and my goals. In fact, before getting a scholarship, my studies were poor because I had to spend my time to earn money for my school fees and to look after my family. After I got the scholarship, my study, and family condition and my living have changed for the better. At the end I achieved my goal. Now I have improved my life. Moreover, I have participated in developing and helping my society by volunteering at JWOC."

Kanha - Graduated in 2010 and now a successful self-employed tour guide studying for her Masters.

"JWOC scholarship has provided me skills and experiences and helped get in to a new life. I wouldn't have been like I am today if JWOC hadn't provided me a scholarship. This program encouraged me to study hard. JWOC also helped improving me communication, business and English skills. Through training courses done by JWOC staff and volunteers were very useful adding to my degree. I have learnt a lot from JWOC staff and friends while going to the fields and connected to the local people. I made a lot of friends from there too. I'm so glad that we can help people when they really need it. Both programs I was involved in were helping the community, which is a good thing to involve more young people."

Sponsoring a student and changing their life costs $500 per year of their degree.This covers all their fees and books, plus all the additional life skills training offered by JWOC..
JWOC selects students on merit and monitors students' grades and attendance, so you can be sure your donation is put to good use. Your student will also update you monthly by email to let you know how they are doing with their studies, jobs and volunteering.

If you would like to find out more about the Scholarship Programme please visit this page on our website or reply to . We also have a FAQs page to answer some the most common questions.

  If you have decided to help JWOC change lives just follow the link below to make your donation. 

You can donate online or by check, marking your donation 'scholarship'. We ask you make a 4 year commitment to your student. If you are able to send sponsorship for the full four years that is wonderful, but don't worry if not, you can donate for each year individually. Please make your donation before 1st August to make sure we can match you with a student for this coming academic year.

I look forward to welcoming you as a new sponsor and introducing you to your student in September!

Very best wishes,

JWOC Managing Director


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