New Experiences and New challenges - thank you JWOC

Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 23, 2014 0 comments

Hello! I am Vuth Vanna, a 2nd year scholarship student at JWOC attending USEA university. I want to tell you how volunteering with the Free Classes Program at JWOC has helped my studies. It is a wonderful feeling to be studying both at JWOC and at university because I feel as though I am constantly increasing my capacity and knowledge in my field. What I love about JWOC is the hands on training I receive through teacher development workshops each month, as well as receiving workshops in study skills, health, first aid and so on. They are so useful, allowing me to sharpen my knowledge and have new experiences in life
Frankly speaking, if JWOC hadn’t sponsored me to study at university I would never have had the opportunity. I wouldn’t have had access to all this knowledge and new experiences; life would have 
 been so different.

Recently, I feel delighted with myself because I have a better job and I have the ability to support myself and even a little extra to help my family improve their lifestyle and living conditions.

I love JWOC and I love the experience of volunteering there, I love the challenge that it provides and the experiences that it creates. For me JWOC is the home of knowledge and it has allowed me to grow as a student and a person.


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