Siem Reap Floods: Emergency Relief

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, October 13, 2013 0 comments

Dear JWOC Supporters, 


As you may have heard in recent news, Cambodia is experiencing severe flooding with the death toll currently over 100 and over 60,000 people having to leave their homes so far. There is growing concern over disease outbreak from water-borne diseases due to a lack of sanitation and hygiene in these extreme living circumstances.   The flooding has seriously affected nearly all of Cambodia with Siem Reap Province, the communities JWOC works with, hit especially bad. The flooding is damaging homes, crops and causing harm to roads and infrastructure.

 For those living off the main roads just getting out of the house means wading through dirty water that in places is well above knee height.  In the rural parts of the Province villages are becoming cut off as roads are washed away. People in the communities JWOC works with are so far surviving but it’s an anxious time as the risk of water related and mosquito-borne diseases, such as Dengue Fever, is high and growing as the flooding is not receding.

As well as the large concern over the risk of disease there is also recovery to consider once the water goes down, with clean up and repairs to roads and houses needed. Many families are losing their crops as their rice fields and poultry are destroyed by the flooding, a source of both income and food for impoverished families.The longer-impact of the flooding is fear for food security with concerns over food shortages

We are asking for you to donate towards JWOC’s Relief Fund during this difficult period to allow us to help with current emergencies, reduce risk of disease and to give us the ability to contribute to the recovery of the communities that mean so much to us.

With a donation of $15you can help 10 families prevent and treat water related diseases they are contracting from living in flooded homes and drinking contaminated water.  Each hygiene pack contains clear water purifying tablets, iodine antiseptic and soap. 

Please donate $50 so that you can help 10 families from being at risk from fatal mosquito-borne diseases.

Donating $100 you would help provide food for 10 families for a week to help them through the food shortages and difficulty in securing food for their children during the recovery process.

To donate please go here . Mark your donation Flood Relief.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Alex and the staff, volunteers and beneficiaries of JWOC


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