A letter from our Founder

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 21, 2012 0 comments

When we first started Journeys Within Our Community (JWOC) it was partly in response to the lack of commitment and caring we saw from the Cambodian government. That’s why the following news is so exciting! JWOC has been approached by the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to provide a Clean Water Solution for all Siem Reap District primary and kindergarten schools.

 This commitment from the government to develop a safe water solution for their students is a huge step and the fact that they have asked JWOC to partner with them on this endeavor is a true honor. Not only has the government spearheaded this project, but they are dedicating man hours and monetary assistance to it, following the guidelines that JWOC has been founded on…to facilitate change with the help and empowerment of the community!

 Starting this month our Clean Water Project will focus on 32 in-need schools identified by the ministry and JWOC. This means that 13,143 students in 317 classes will get access to clean water! Of course, as with all our villages, just having access to clean water isn’t enough. Part of the reason the Ministry of Education wanted to partner with JWOC was because of our incredible training and hygiene focus. This strong commitment to education is the cornerstone of the Clean Water for Schools initiative. We will be training the schools and ministry on well maintenance as well as making sure each student is trained on health and hygiene by the wonderful JWOC Scholarship Student teams.

 With your help thousands of children will no longer dip a communal cup in a bucket to get a drink of water while at school. Each student will have a personal water bottle and each classroom will have a water filter and each water filter will be filled from a functioning well. We want to make sure that just coming to school doesn’t make our kids sick, that school is a place for learning - not just reading and writing, but also the lessons of health and hygiene that are so important for a long life.

We can’t make the change alone. To make this possible we need to raise $20,000. We are asking all our JWOC Family to donate so that over 13,000 students can have healthy and safe drinking water while at school. Together we can show the Ministry of Education that their idea is the impetus for change in their community. We need to show them that their caring has created a better life for their kids. Please donateto the JWOC Clean Water Project today and help us support Cambodia as they better their world!

With very best wishes

JWOC Founder

To find out more about the Clean Water for Schools initiative please click here

If you are a school or club and would like to support a school here in Cambodia take a look here to see some of the schools in need. 

To find out more about the main Clean Water Project click here


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