A short Microfinance story

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 2, 2011 0 comments
Meet Kim...

Kim is originally from Takeo Province but has lived in Siem Reap for most of her adult life. Since her husband left her a year ago she has been living with her daughter’s family. The picture above shows her with one of her granddaughters.

The money she earns from selling traditional rice cakes goes into the household fund to pay for food for the family.

The small loan Kim received from JWOC enabled her to buy a bicycle meaning she can cover more distance each day and sell more cakes.

She says being able to contribute more to the household fund has two benefits- the family have more to eat and can save a little money for emergencies and importantly, she feels better about herself, more proud.

For Kim, the $50 she borrowed from JWOC made a big difference to her daily life. If you would like to help other families in Siem Reap please donate $10 or whatever you can afford...


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