Watch Somit's Video

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 23, 2011 0 comments
For his post this month Free Classes Project Manager, Somit, decided to make a video to explain the need for and the benefits of his project. Watch the video to find out more-

You can also get more details about the Free Classes Project here.

Hygiene Training in Doun Keo

Posted by Unknown On Monday, June 6, 2011 0 comments
As part of the Clean Water Project we carry out hygiene training in each village we work with. The last three weeks have been training time in Duon Keo, our latest village partner. We got great levels of attendance and it was also an opportunity to test out some recent revisions to the training sessions.

Look through our pictures to learn more...

The training sessions take place in any open spaces in the village- though trees are always a welcome feature for the shade they provide. Here we can see Project Manager Sokhorn starting the teeth-cleaning session.

One new feature of the adults' training sessions is a temporary creche which allows the parents to concentrate on the messages and activities. The little ones get to complete hand-washing colouring sheets and play games.

The props and interactive nature of the training sessions make them fun and memorable.

One of the changes to the teeth-cleaning session was to introduce actions to help the participants remember the steps. Here we can see children doing the "up" part of the "up, down and around" routine.

Another one of the changes was the use of flashcards during the session. These pictures help explain ideas and also aid memorisation of the messages.

After the sessions everyone receives a 'hygiene pack', so they can put the training into practice straight away- increasing the chances of creating new habits.

To learn more about the Clean Water Project and what other activities take place in each village visit this page.

A short Microfinance story

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 2, 2011 0 comments
Meet Kim...

Kim is originally from Takeo Province but has lived in Siem Reap for most of her adult life. Since her husband left her a year ago she has been living with her daughter’s family. The picture above shows her with one of her granddaughters.

The money she earns from selling traditional rice cakes goes into the household fund to pay for food for the family.

The small loan Kim received from JWOC enabled her to buy a bicycle meaning she can cover more distance each day and sell more cakes.

She says being able to contribute more to the household fund has two benefits- the family have more to eat and can save a little money for emergencies and importantly, she feels better about herself, more proud.

For Kim, the $50 she borrowed from JWOC made a big difference to her daily life. If you would like to help other families in Siem Reap please donate $10 or whatever you can afford...


Learn more about the Lao school system

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, June 1, 2011 0 comments
This post is a little different as it is hand written. Somdith, a student at JWOC's Language School in Muang Nga, Lao PDR, has written this mini-essay about the school system to share with you all. Click in the picture to make it bigger. Apologies for the scanning- I hope you can read Somdith words!

To read more about how JWOC supports Muang Nga School click here.